
Dit zijn woorden examples gerelateerd aan bombast. Klik op een woord om naar de detailpagina van het woord te gaan. Of, ga naar de definitie van bombast.

Voorbeelden van bombast

  • He was a quiet, mild-minded man, devoid of bombast, neither cynical nor meddlesome, and was well liked by all. 

  • His tragedies, which, with much bombast and frequent untrained flights of imagination, have occasional fire and tenderness, are generally based on classical subjects. 

  • The style of the great eulogy, born of the occasion and the speaker, becomes only exaggerated bombast and nonsense from the lips of a student. 

  • This introduction is one of the most extraordinary pieces of bombast, mixed metaphors, loose syntax, and incoherent expressions that Latin literature possesses. 

  • Yet there was a certain sincerity of feeling underneath all the bombast and platitudes, and this saved the book. 

  • Here, his balanced tone is a welcome contrast to the bombast of many plan supporters and opponents.

  • We do at least need an awareness of how the royal epistle had its own rhetorical world in which bombast and boast had a special diplomatic function.

  • That is the real lesson of history, conflicting directly with the bombast of nationalism.

  • I detect no sense of jingoism or bombast.

  • Bluster and bombast have characterised his handling of the situation since the spring.

  • He put in his tuppence worth of bombast, but he was rather off target.

  • I do not believe that that speech was mere idle bombast.

  • It was characteristically witty and full of bombast.

  • Bombast and pompous rhetoric will not get us through this problem.

  • Further, they have matched the hour, have been carried out efficiently, calmly and without bombast and with much patience and understanding.

  • All the bombast, all the easy assurance of victory, all the comforting self-complacency, had gone.

  • Pride and bombast are still detected and despised for what they reveal in the person.

  • Apart from the opening and closing, which were full of his hectoring and bombast, it was an excellent speech.

  • He raises posturing, wriggling, dodging and whingeing to the status of high parliamentary art and one has to admire his cheerful cynicism and aggressive bombast.

  • Instead, we see them moving amid more noise and clamour and with more bombast.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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