re-election Definisi Dalam Bahasa Melayu

  • 0 -- proses pemilihan semula

    • her re-election as President.


Examples of re-election

  • If they are sufficiently unpopular, the costs may greatly exceed the benefits (of re-election).

  • While the ban on re-election allowed him to replace unfriendly governors, it also made credible his supposed commitment to allow alternation in power.

  • Invariably, they see a strong economy as a boon for an incumbent's re-election hopes and a weak economy as a curse on them.

  • Table 1 presents the data as average re-election rates per election and turnover per year.

  • Closed party lists, for instance, encourage discipline because of party leaders' influence over a candidate's re-election.

  • Had he done so, his incumbency advantages and great popularity would have assured him re-election.

  • When a backbencher's re-election does not strongly depend on party label, do party rules affect who is likely to rebel against party leaders?

  • In four of these five, the incumbents ensured that the new rules guaranteed their own re-election.




May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi



May 10, 2021

Baca Lagi

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