Significato di wink in italiano

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wink Definizione e significato

  • 0 to quickly close and then open one eye, in order to be friendly or to show that something is a joke -- strizzare l’occhio, ammiccare, fare l’occhiolino

    • She smiled and winked at me. Sorridendo mi ha fatto l’occhiolino.

  • 1 an act of winking at someone -- strizzata d’occhio

    • He gave me a friendly wink. Mi ha dato una strizzatina d’occhio simpatica.

  • 2 to shut and open an eye quickly in friendly greeting, or to show that something is a secret etc -- (strizzare l’occhio)

  • 3 (of eg lights) to flicker and twinkle -- lampeggiare

  • 4 an act of winking -- (strizzatina d’occhio)

    • ‘Don’t tell anyone I’m here’, he said with a wink.


Frase quotidiana

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Possiamo completarlo passo dopo passo, indipendentemente dalla lunghezza della strada, e non può essere completato, per quanto breve sia la strada, se non segni nemmeno la tua impronta.

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