Significato di native in italiano

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native Definizione e significato

  • 0 Your native town or country is the place where you were born. -- nativo

    • He returned to his native Algeria. È ritornato in Algeria, la sua terra natale.

  • 1 Your native language is the first language you learn as a child. -- nativo, materno

    • Her native language was Polish. La sua lingua materna era il polacco.

  • 2 relating to the first people to live in an area -- indigeno

    • Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia. Gli aborigeni sono la popolazione indigena dell’Australia.

  • 3 someone who was born in a particular place -- nativo, -a

    • He’s a native of Texas. È un nativo del Texas.

  • 4 where one was born -- natale, natio


Frase quotidiana

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Possiamo completarlo passo dopo passo, indipendentemente dalla lunghezza della strada, e non può essere completato, per quanto breve sia la strada, se non segni nemmeno la tua impronta.

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