vulnerable Définition En Français

  • 0 easily hurt or attacked because of being weak -- vulnérable

    • Without weapons they were vulnerable to attack. Sans armes, ils étaient vulnérables face à l’attaque.

    • a vulnerable child un enfant vulnérable

  • 1 unprotected against attack; liable to be hurt or damaged -- vulnérable

    • Small animals are often vulnerable to attack.


Examples of vulnerable

  • As long as the overburdening with unpaid work prevents women, and women with children, in particular, from developing their own earning capacity, they will remain vulnerable groups.

  • Preventative work is being done chiefly in schools, because that social group is the most vulnerable to drug dependence.

  • It is a challenging task there to salvage nature, which is especially vulnerable in the region.

  • As regards the conservation and management of fisheries resources, tuna is a migratory species that is particularly vulnerable to illegal fishing in international waters.

  • The fluctuation of prices has an adverse effect on an already vulnerable livestock industry.

  • This has an impact on every sector of the economy, but agriculture remains the most vulnerable.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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