vary Définition En Français

  • 0 to change depending on the situation or place -- varier

    • Health care varies widely among states. Les soins de santé diffèrent beaucoup entre les états.

    • The cost of the drug can vary by $100 or more. Le coût de la drogue peut varier de 100 $ ou plus.

  • 1 (of things in a group) to be different from each other -- varier

    • His fans vary in age from 10 to 30. L’âge de ses fans varie de 10 à 30 ans.

  • 2 to change sth regularly -- varier

    • Stay healthy by varying the foods you eat. Restez en bonne santé en variant les aliments que vous mangez.

  • 3 to make, be or become different -- varier


Examples of vary

  • I also understand that meteorological conditions vary.

  • The answer is yes, but the form these take may vary considerably.

  • The technical implementation of those values may vary, of course.

  • Things can therefore vary greatly from one year to the next because of this.

  • Zoos are either private or publicly owned and the standards can vary greatly.

  • The ways and means may vary from country to country and from region to region, but the objective must be a common one.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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