unconscious Définition En Français

  • 0 unable to be woken because of illness or injury -- inconscient/-e

    • They found him unconscious on the floor. Ils l’ont trouvé inconscient / sans connaissance sur le sol.

  • 1 (of feelings or thoughts) not directly realized by you -- inconscient/-e

    • an unconscious desire to destroy his mother’s new relationship un désir inconscient de détruire la nouvelle relation de sa mère

  • 2 not aware -- qui n’est pas conscient / n’a pas conscience (de)

    • He is unconscious of what is happening around him. Il n’est pas conscient / n’a pas conscience de ce qui se passe autour de lui.

  • 3 the part of sb’s mind where thoughts and feelings exist that we are not directly aware of -- l’inconscient

    • dreams that come from the unconscious des rêves qui viennent de l’inconscient

  • 4 senseless or stunned, eg because of an accident -- inconscient

    • She was unconscious for three days after the crash.

  • 5 not aware -- inconscient (de)

    • He was unconscious of having said anything rude.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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