top Définition En Français

  • 0 the highest part of sth -- sommet [ masculine ]

    • Run up to the top of the hill. Cours jusqu’au sommet de la colline.

    • at the top of the ladder en haut de l’échelle

  • 1 the upper surface of sth -- dessus [ masculine ]

    • on the top of the table sur le dessus de la table

  • 2 a lid of a container -- couvercle [ masculine ]

    • Screw the top on tight. Vissez bien le couvercle.

  • 3 an item of clothing for the upper body -- top [ masculine ]

  • 4 the most important position or highest rank -- la tête

    • He’ll work hard until he reaches the very top. Il travaillera dur jusqu’à ce qu’il atteigne le sommet même / le tout premier rang.

    • at the top of the business agenda en tête de liste sur son agenda de travail

  • 5 completely -- complètement

    • I’ve searched the house from top to bottom and still can’t find it. J’ai fouillé la maison de fond en comble et je n’ai même pas pu le trouver.


Examples of top

  • Let us oppose this latest example of red tape from the top.

  • Climate change is at the top of our list.

  • Continuing with constructions from the top down, dreamt up by the powers that be, will not solve anything.

  • Today we have rightly focussed on what are the absolutely key appointments at the top of any organisation.

  • We are trying to keep the broad picture of all these diseases at the top of the agenda.

  • The filling in of such content should not be governed and regulated to too great an extent 'from the top down'.

  • This sentiment must originate from the bottom and not the top.

  • Why was there no effort to ensure that those at the top of the salary scale paid their fair share?




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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