mature Définition En Français

  • 0 sensible, like an adult -- mature

    • mature behavior un comportement mature

  • 1 fully grown -- mature

    • a mature plant/animal une plante mature / un animal adulte

  • 2 to become more mature -- mûrir

    • He’s really matured in the last six months. Il a vraiment mûri durant ces six derniers mois.

  • 3 to become fully grown -- arriver à maturité

    • It’ll take about 5 years for the tree to mature. Il faudra environ 5 ans pour que l’arbre arrive à maturité.

  • 4 (having the qualities of someone who, or something that, is) fully grown or developed -- mûr

  • 5 (of cheese, wine etc) ready for eating or drinking -- fait, vieux


Examples of mature

  • If stocks are to recover then the juveniles have to be allowed to mature and develop if the industry is to recover.

  • So for economic reasons too, we need a mature debate about a policy of managed migration.

  • We need a mature and harmonised programme instead of a hastily mounted communication campaign.

  • It demands a political price, it needs to be distilled by society and matured and this is not happening to the required extent.

  • A much more mature approach is required.

  • Our institution proved that it was mature enough, and we can be proud of this outcome.

  • But a mature democracy must not only be vigorous, it must also scrutinise the exercise of power, and it must be responsible.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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