master Définition En Français

  • 0 a man who leads or controls other people or animals -- maître [ masculine ]

    • When called the dog runs to his master. Quand il l’appelle, le chien court vers son maître.

  • 1 an expert or sb who is very skilled at sth -- maître

    • He’s a master of persuasion. C’est un maître dans l’art de persuader.

    • a master builder un maître d’œuvre

  • 2 an original of a document, photo, etc. used to make copies from -- original [ masculine ]

    • the master copy l’original

  • 3 to become skilled at -- maîtriser

    • She finally mastered walking at the age of about 15 months. Elle a finalement maîtrisé la marche à l’âge d’environ 15 mois.

  • 4 to get control of, or overcome -- se rendre maître de

    • Will humans ever master their environment? Les humains se rendront-ils jamais maîtres de leur environnement ?

  • 5 a person or thing that commands or controls -- maître/-tresse


Examples of master

  • If our partners recognise our legal order and values, then a partnership is what we have; if they do not, then the relationship is one of master and servant.

  • I know you are a master of diplomacy, but a response would be most appropriate in this case.

  • I think we have mastered the directive in front of us.

  • It is something we hope for, but he is certainly not the master card.

  • We did not get as far as how ports should be included in the master plan.

  • Moreover, the master's treatment does not exactly inspire people to work in shipping.

  • In a context of increasing mobility and migration, it is essential for people to master the national language or languages if they are to become fully integrated into society.

  • The green revolution must be mastered rather than endured.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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