hair Définition En Français

  • 0 the mass of thin thread-like strands on humans’ heads and some animals -- cheveux [ masculine, plural ]

    • dog hair des poils de chien

    • She has long black hair. Elle a de longs cheveux noirs.

  • 1 a single piece of hair -- poil [ masculine ]

    • the hairs on your arm les poils sur votre bras

  • 2 having red, blond, dark etc. hair -- roux/rousse, blond/blonde, brun/brune

    • a red-haired little girl une petite fille rousse

  • 3 to relax and have fun -- se lâcher

    • You need to go out and let your hair down. Tu as besoin de sortir et de te lâcher.

  • 4 to scare sb badly -- vous faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête

    • a noise that made our hair stand on end un bruit qui nous a fait dresser les cheveux sur la tête

  • 5 one of the mass of thread-like objects that grow from the skin -- poil

    • He brushed the dog’s hairs off his jacket.


Examples of hair

  • It is still far too inclined to see animals chiefly as producers of meat, hide, hair, eggs, milk and manure.

  • At every summit, we always see a sea of men in grey suits, older men with grey hair, and a few women thrown in for good measure.

  • According to the wording of the directive, in theory the consumer could insist on the hair dryer being repaired eleven months later.

  • So what we are talking about here is a 'hair cut'.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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