active Définition En Français

  • 0 in grammar, the form of a verb used when the subject of a sentence is doing the action of that verb -- la voix [ feminine ] active

    • Change these sentences into the active. Mettez ces phrases à la voix active.

  • 1 lively and energetic -- actif/-ive

    • Try to keep active. Essayez de rester actif.

    • active vacations des vacances actives

    • a very active child un enfant très actif

  • 2 participating frequently in an activity -- actif/-ive

    • an active member of the group un membre actif du groupe

    • active in politics actif en politique

  • 3 functioning or being used -- actif/-ive

    • an active bank account un compte bancaire actif

    • an active volcano un volcan en activité

  • 4 (of a sentence) using a verb in the active -- actif/-ive

  • 5 energetic or lively; able to work etc -- actif

    • At seventy, he’s no longer very active.


Examples of active

  • They play an active part in the reconstruction of the countries.

  • Then we can talk about an active dialogue with the citizens.

  • There is, of course, an attempt to be active and therefore to do something.

  • We have also signalled that we stand ready to play a more active role, if the six-party talks find it useful.

  • There is an increase from 3.5 to 7 years of the time during which data are kept in an active file.

  • I am prepared to play an active part in such a review.

  • I am counting on your participation and active support.

  • What is an active ingredient or an excipient?




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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