
Il s'agit du examples du mot lié au grow. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de grow.

Exemples de grow

  • Without measures of this kind it becomes impossible to grow plants in densely populated areas where soil use is intensive.

  • I am sure we agree with you when you talk about the sun, when you say that the sun also makes the plants grow.

  • A demos has a national identity which shapes the very soil from which democracy can grow and in which it can stand tall and survive trials and tribulations.

  • This would also help to develop the whole industry, from growing cotton to manufacturing fabric and clothing.

  • I should like to say that the costs to the financial sector of transposing all these new laws is quite high and is growing.

  • From one year to the next, the gap between commitments and payments is allowed to grow.

  • I hope that my children and other people's will grow up without the nuclear threat with which we grew up.

  • European democracy has just been born, and it is up to us to ensure that it grows up properly.

  • We face growing expectations of more ambitious and high-quality public services, however.

  • In my opinion, the parents of tomorrow need to grow up with children to be able to appreciate them.

  • There is growing public concern about the long-term environmental impact in general of landfill sites.

  • They also have the right to grow up to become healthy adults, both in body and soul.

  • Because with it, each individual state can also grow considerably stronger.

  • With over 2 million graduates every single year, there is every reason to believe that percentage will grow.

  • It does not need to grow in order to perform its functions.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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