
Il s'agit du examples du mot lié au appearance. Cliquez sur n'importe quel mot pour accéder à la page de détail de son mot. Ou, allez à la définition de appearance.

Exemples de appearance

  • Often, it does not take much to change the appearance of an area, without going to extravagant expense.

  • In order to meet consumer demand for food which looks attractive, the food industry has created substances which are added just for the sake of better appearance.

  • However, whether it is due to a person's appearance or simply their surname, we realise that discrimination does all too often exist.

  • We are not discussing aesthetics or appearance; we are talking about health.

  • To all appearances, there are two conflicting reports, but they do belong together and prove that there are many sides to the crisis.

  • It seems as if the problems on the ground are less pronounced than they are in the air, but appearances are deceptive, in my view.

  • To all outward appearance, they were inconspicuous members of it, but they evidently did not feel any attachment to our lifestyles and values.

  • Therefore, we are not so much interested in whether the machine works or not, as that its visible appearance should contribute to a harmonious overall effect.

  • She tried to get into a restaurant to have a meal and was refused entry on the grounds that her physical appearance would put other diners off.

  • Their very appearance makes them suspect!

  • Activities related to preventing the further appearance of resistant pathogens are also important.

  • Limiting the problem to the appearance of cancer is a simplistic approach which will cause us to make serious mistakes in terms of public health.

  • The appearance of new competitors has brought a significant reduction in fares on numerous routes.

  • The appearance of ever-newer media is a positive development.

  • Since it guarantees interoperability and offers users greater freedom of choice, standardisation will certainly contribute to preventing the appearance of monopolies.

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May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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