Significado de formula en español

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formula Definición y significado

  • 0 a list of the substances that something is made of -- fórmula

    • What is the formula for water?

  • 1 a method or plan for dealing with or achieving sth -- fórmula [ feminine ]

    • the formula for success la fórmula para el éxito

    • There’s no magic formula for stopping gun crime. No hay una fórmula mágica para detener los delitos con armas.

  • 2 the letters, numbers and symbols used to show a mathematical or scientific rule -- fórmula [ feminine ]

    • Put the formula into the spreadsheet. Introduce la fórmula en la hoja de cálculo.

  • 3 the list of substances that are mixed together to make sth -- fórmula [ feminine ]

    • the secret formula used to make the soft drink la fórmula secreta utilizada para hacer el refresco


Daily Sentence

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Podemos completarlo paso a paso, por muy largo que sea el camino, y no se puede completar, por corto que sea el camino, si ni siquiera marcas tu huella.

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