warm Definición En Español

  • 0 having a temperature between cool and hot -- cálido

    • Are you warm enough?

    • It’s nice and warm in here.

  • 1 Warm clothes or covers keep your body warm. -- abrigado

  • 2 friendly -- cálido

  • 3 to become warm or to make something become warm -- calentar(se)

    • I’ll warm the soup.

  • 4 at a pleasant temperature between hot and cold -- caliente [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • We went inside to keep warm. Entramos para mantener el calor.

    • Come for a swim – the water’s warm. Ven a nadar – el agua está caliente.

    • a warm day un día cálido

  • 5 (of a building or clothing) making you stay warm -- acogedor/ora [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • The sweater kept me nice and warm. El suéter me mantuvo agradable y calentita.

    • a warm room una habitación cálida


Examples of warm

  • Perhaps our evening debates should be more animated and more heated so as to warm up the atmosphere.

  • Up to now, a warm motorcycle was tested at 50 km.

  • I want to pay a particularly warm tribute to him for his courage and steadfastness and wise advice.
