voice Definición En Español

  • 0 the sounds that you make when you speak or sing -- voz

  • 1 the sound that comes out of your mouth when you speak or sing -- voz [ feminine, singular ]

    • I’m starting to lose my voice. Estoy empezando a quedarme afónico

    • His voice is starting to break. Le está empezando a cambiar la voz.

    • My father never raised his voice at me. Mi padre nunca me alzó la voz.

    • his amazing singing voice su increíble voz de canto

    • She spoke in a loud/quiet voice. Ella habló en voz alta/con voz tranquila.

  • 2 sb’s opinion -- voz [ feminine, singular ]

    • It’s important to have your voice heard. Es importante hacer oír su voz.

  • 3 an expression of the opinions of a group -- voz [ feminine, singular ]

    • The newspaper is the voice of the poor. El periódico es la voz de los pobres.

  • 4 to express your thoughts or opinions -- expresar

    • to voice your concerns expresar sus preocupaciones


Examples of voice

  • This voice, through you, speaks clearly.

  • Many manufacturers have voiced their concerns in this regard.

  • Since, however, it does voice many justified concerns about human rights, we will not be voting against it, but will abstain from voting.

  • Everyone was able to voice his or her opinion.

  • Precisely because national governments are working well together, their voices will raise a wonderful chorus.

  • Perhaps this was not true but there is a tone of voice that does not lie.

  • How many silent voices are there behind the statistics, how many aspects are disguised or hidden behind the non-interference clause or the cultural heritage argument?

  • We need you to help us with your voice.
