pair Definición En Español

  • 0 two people who are doing something together -- pareja

  • 1 two things that look the same and that are used together -- par, pareja

  • 2 something that is made of two parts that are joined together -- par, unos, unas

  • 3 two things that are the same and are used together -- par [ masculine, singular ]

    • a pair of socks/shoes/gloves un par de calcetines/zapatos/guantes

  • 4 sth that has two parts that are the same -- par [ masculine, singular ]

    • a pair of sunglasses/shorts/scissors un par de gafas de sol/pantalones cortos/tijeras

  • 5 to make a pair, or to put two people or things together as a pair -- emparejar

    • For the final task you’ll need to pair up with someone. Para la tarea final necesitarás juntarte con alguien.
