none Definición En Español

  • 0 not any -- ninguno, nadie, nada

  • 1 not any or not one of -- ninguno/na

    • Most of the children can do this problem, but none can do the other one. La mayoría de los niños pueden resolver este problema, pero ninguno resolver hacer el otro.

    • We went out hoping to see whales but none came to the surface. Salimos esperando ver ballenas pero ninguna salió a la superficie.

    • None of us knew the answer. Ninguno de nosotros se sabía la respuesta.

  • 2 not knowing or understanding any more than before -- sin enterarse

    • Even after he explained it all to me I was none the wiser. Incluso después de que me lo explicara todo yo seguía sin enterarme.


Examples of none

  • None of us can imagine working without this new technology today.

  • None of us would want, in this day and age, to still be travelling around by horse and cart.

  • None of them come to any harm in the process.

  • I believe that none of the ideas expressed in this debate can easily be rebuffed with a simple argument.

  • None of us can be satisfied with our efforts to date to defeat poverty by promoting good health.

  • I am pleased to say that this report was adopted by 48 votes in favour, none against and 8 abstentions.

  • None of us are saints.

  • Let none of us be in any doubt.
