hate Definición En Español

  • 0 to dislike someone or something very much -- odiar

    • I hate going to the dentist’s.

  • 1 a very strong dislike of someone or something -- odio

  • 2 to dislike very much -- odiar

    • I hate it when people are late. Odio cuando la gente llega tarde.

    • She hates going to the dentist. Ella odia ir al dentista.

    • His employees hated him. Sus empleados le detestaban.

  • 3 used to apologize for interrupting or asking for sth -- molestar

    • I hate to bother you, but could we talk for a moment? Odio molestarte, pero ¿podríamos hablar un momento?

  • 4 an extreme feeling of dislike -- odio [ masculine ]

    • the hate in their eyes. el odio en sus ojos

    • hate-filled emails correos electrónicos llenos de odio


Examples of hate

  • In these cases, situations unfortunately often occur that correspond to the cycle of love, hate and the desire for revenge of one or both of the parents.

  • They must be provided with a genuine lesson in peace and forced to move beyond hate in order to live together.

  • We must not allow them to be subjected to hate laws and stand by and say nothing.

  • I am very concerned by the misleading, offensive and even hate-fuelled statements which can still be heard.

  • We want to put an end to that hate, that racism, that contempt.

  • Let me stress that there must be surveillance of the preachers of hate: that is a necessity.

  • The hate campaign waged against this party for some time now has culminated in tragedy.

  • What is totally mystifying, though, is the call to 'resolutely prosecute any hate speech in racist media programmes and articles spreading intolerant views'.
