unreasonable Significado & definición

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Significado de unreasonable en español

  • 0 not fair or not reasonable -- poco razonable

  • 1 excessive or unfair -- inaceptable [ masculine-feminine, singular ]

    • unreasonable demands exigencias excesivas

    • an unreasonable man un hombre irrazonable

Más definiciones de unreasonable

Ejemplos de unreasonable

  • It is unworkable and unreasonable to try to make every movement of a bird of prey from one place to another subject to prior authorization.

  • It is therefore unreasonable to routinely take the fingerprints of refugees.

  • I believe that it would be unreasonable, especially in this sector, to forego the efficiency that can derive from liberalisation and competition.

  • It is unreasonable to expect the same hard-working countries always to pay for the mistakes of others.

  • It is, of course, extremely important that the internal market is not disrupted by unreasonable and unfair competition.

  • It is pro-free trade, but its use of the trade defence instrument is seen by many as unreasonable on certain issues.

  • Anything else would have been unreasonable.

  • It is unreasonable to regulate recreational fishing when, in actual fact, it is industrial fishing that is responsible for problems such as overfishing in our seas.

Más ejemplos de unreasonable

Traducciones de unreasonable en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    不講道理的, 不合理的, 不公正的…

  • 中文简体

    不讲道理的, 不合理的, 不公正的…

  • Português

    insensato, irrazoável…

  • 日本語

    不合理な, 不当な…

  • Türk dili

    mantıksız, makul olmayan…

  • Français

    déraisonnable, excessif…

  • Catalan

    poc raonable…

  • العربية

    غَيْر مَقْبول…

Más traducciones de unreasonable