highly Significado & definición

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Significado de highly en español

  • 0 very -- extremadamente

  • 1 very -- altamente

    • highly intelligent/successful extremadamente inteligente/exitoso

    • a highly dangerous/flammable chemical un químico altamente peligroso/inflamable

  • 2 to a high level -- altamente

    • a highly skilled/educated/paid workforce una mano de obra altamente calificada/educada/pagada

  • 3 with praise and admiration -- muy bien

    • to think/speak highly of sb pensar/hablar muy bien de alguien

Más definiciones de highly

Ejemplos de highly

  • This support has been highly appreciated among those most severely hit by the global financial and economic crisis.

  • The topics are highly pertinent today, and every effort must be made to ensure that all relevant players take part.

  • It is a region of highly visible biological and environmental diversity, which has a huge socio-economic impact on the inhabitants of the region.

  • Otherwise, our group will, unfortunately, be forced to come out against this report even though the rest of it is highly positive.

  • We are evidently debating a highly technical subject matter, namely the interoperability of both high-speed and conventional rail systems.

  • On the contrary, without a solution to this conflict, a successful accession is highly unlikely.

  • The idea that it might be imposed because so few patients have chosen to seek care abroad is highly unlikely.

  • There is no doubt that dichloromethane is hazardous to human health because it is highly volatile.

Más ejemplos de highly

Traducciones de highly en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    超過平均水準, 非常,極其, 重要…

  • 中文简体

    超过平均水平, 非常,极其, 重要…

  • Português

    altamente, muito…

  • 日本語

    とても, 非常に…

  • Türk dili

    bir hayli, pek, çok…

  • Français

    très, hautement, extrêmement…

  • Catalan

    molt, altament…

  • العربية


Más traducciones de highly