border Significado & definición

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Significado de border en español

  • 0 the line that separates two countries or states -- frontera

    • the border between France and Spain

  • 1 a line around the edge of something -- ribete

  • 2 the boundary between countries -- frontera [ feminine ]

    • on the border between France and Spain en la frontera entre Francia y España

    • the U.S. border with Mexico la frontera de Estados Unidos con México

    • to cross the border cruzar la frontera

    • border guards guardias fronterizos

  • 3 a decorated edge -- borde [ masculine ]

    • to add a border to your document pages agregar un margen a las páginas de tu documento

  • 4 to be next to -- limitar

    • where Texas borders Louisiana donde Texas linda con Louisiana

  • 5 to form a line along the edge -- rodear

    • a field bordered by oak trees un campo rodeado de robles

Más definiciones de border

Ejemplos de border

  • Our real borders are not to be found on the map but in values.

  • Criminals move freely from one country to another and network across national borders.

  • Furthermore, this also provided for the rapid implementation of joint operations at external borders and the immediate commencement of pilot projects.

  • The actors within the market transcend borders and have become international.

  • When people leave our forests, it is like guards leaving the army, it is like guards leaving the borders.

  • A state is sovereign when it respects the principle of uti possidetis, the inviolability of borders.

  • We must then open up our own borders, pay fair prices for products from the developing world and guarantee the producers a reasonable income.

  • I know that in practice, there are no serious problems with guarding this border, and that it is secure.

Más ejemplos de border

Traducciones de border en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    分開, 國境, 邊界…

  • 中文简体

    分开, 国境, 边界…

  • Português

    fronteira, borda, debrum…

  • 日本語

    国境, 州の境界, 境界線…

  • Türk dili

    sınır, serhat, hudut…

  • Français

    toucher à, border, entourer…

  • Catalan

    frontera, ribet…

  • العربية

    حُدود, كَنار, حَدّ…

Más traducciones de border