accord Significado & definición

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Significado de accord en español

  • 0 an agreement -- acuerdo

  • 1 because you decide to, and not because someone tells you to -- por decisión propia

    • She left of her own accord.

  • 2 without being forced -- por su propia voluntad

    • She came of her own accord. Ella vino por su propia voluntad.

  • 3 an official agreement -- acuerdo [ masculine ]

    • the 1998 accord el acuerdo de 1998

Más definiciones de accord

Ejemplos de accord

  • At this convention a league table of states was published in which countries were ranked according to the average number of years for which pensions were paid out.

  • According to scientific research, at the current rate of progress, we will not even achieve half of the 20% target set.

  • Its creation accords with the budgetary procedure agreed for this year.

  • Now, according to the report under discussion, the risk that the agrimonetary scheme will cause distortion of trade is being removed.

  • According to reports we have all seen, improving the energy efficiency of buildings is one of the most economical ways of protecting the climate.

  • According to standard practice, no new mandate is required for periodic protocols renewing fisheries agreements.

  • On the contrary, the 'no' camp is at present very clearly in the lead, by ten per cent according to the latest poll.

  • Its policymaking in future must ensure it does not constantly react according to the 'eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth' principle.

Más ejemplos de accord

Traducciones de accord en otros idiomas

  • 中文繁体

    (正式的)協議, 條約, 一致…

  • 中文简体

    (正式的)协议, 条约, 一致…

  • Português

    acordo, tratado…

  • 日本語

    合意, 協定…

  • Türk dili

    ülkeler arasındaki resmi antlaşma, birine saygı göstermek, saygın davranmak…

  • Français

    accord [masculine], traité [masculine], s’accorder (avec)…

  • Catalan


  • العربية


Más traducciones de accord