occluded front Meaning & Definition

  • En [ əˈkluː.dɪd ˈfrʌnt]
  • Us [ əˈkluː.dɪd ˈfrʌnt]

Meaning of occluded front In English

More Definitions of occluded front

Examples of occluded front

  • An occluded front is thus a combination of those two signs.

  • Initially attached to an occluded front, the low detached from the system and gradually acquired tropical characteristics.

  • They also can occur under altostratus cloud preceding a warm or occluded front, when cumulus usually lose vertical development as the sun's heat decreases.

  • In areas where cold fronts catch up to the warm front, the occluded front develops.

  • When this happens a new low center will form on the triple-point (the point where the cold front, warm front, and occluded front meet).

  • The point where the warm front and the occluded front meet (and consequently the nearest location of warm air to the center of the cyclone) is called the "triple point".

  • The occluded front symbol should thus be plotted at the position where the cold air is intersecting the surface, as on the image to the right.

  • The former occluded front to its northwest became a warm front which moved back to the west around the strengthening, and now dominant, southern low pressure center.

More Examples of occluded front



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