sound Betydning & definition

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Betydning af sound på engelsk

  • 0 strong or in good condition -- i god stand; sund

    • The foundations of the house are not very sound

    • He’s 87, but he’s still sound in mind and body.

  • 1 (of sleep) deep -- dyb

  • 2 full; thorough -- grundig

  • 3 accurate; free from mistakes -- ordentlig; nøjagtig

  • 4 having or showing good judgement or good sense -- fornuftig

    • His advice is always very sound.

  • 5 the impressions transmitted to the brain by the sense of hearing -- lyd; lyd-

    • a barrage of sound

    • (also adjective) sound waves.

  • 6 something that is, or can be, heard -- lyd

    • The sounds were coming from the garage.

  • 7 the impression created in the mind by a piece of news, a description etc -- indtryk; sådan, som det lyder

    • I didn’t like the sound of her hairstyle at all!

  • 8 to (cause something to) make a sound -- ring; ringe

  • 9 to signal (something) by making a sound -- give signal; slå alarm

  • 10 (of something heard or read) to make a particular impression; to seem; to appear -- lyde

  • 11 to pronounce -- udtale

    • In the word ‘pneumonia’, the letter p is not sounded.

  • 12 to examine by tapping and listening carefully -- undersøge

    • She sounded the patient’s chest.

  • 13 to measure the depth of (water etc). -- lodde

Flere definitioner af sound

Eksempler på sound

  • Thus, this term represents the sound generation due purely to the dynamics of the vortex centroids.

  • That is, there is a commonality of effect consistent with this region's role in the integration of sound and meaning.

  • The starting point for each part is either a random or a previously stored sound.

  • Some demonstrated the use of technical language, for example 'it did sound very like a scale'.

  • They were then told to put the sounds together to say the whole word.

  • This is a new synthesis technique that can generate sounds from slow movements of mechanical systems.

  • Further, there is no sound theoretical basis for the two heuristics that it uses.

  • In practice, pupils found the process of selecting sounds relatively straightforward and unproblematic.

Flere eksempler på sound

Oversættelser af sound på andre sprog

  • 中文繁体

    聲音, 聲音,聲響, (音樂演出、電影等的)音響錄製和播出,音響製作…

  • 中文简体

    声音, 声音,声响, (音乐演出、电影等的)音响录制和播出,音响制作…

  • Español

    sonido, ruido, fundamentado…

  • Português

    som, ruído, bom…

  • 日本語

    音, 健全な, 安全な…

  • Türk dili

    ses, ses yapmak, ses çıkarmak…

  • Français

    bruit [masculine], son [masculine], sembler…

  • Catalan

    so, soroll, bo…

Flere oversættelser af sound



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