have Definition In Czech

  • 0 used with past participle of other verbs to show that an action is in the indefinite past and has been completed -- (pomocné sloveso v předpřítomném čase)

  • 1 (also have got) to hold or possess (something which belongs to oneself or to someone else) -- mít

    • I don’t have any books by Sir Walter Scott.

    • He’s got your book

    • I have a book of yours at home

  • 2 (also have got) to possess something as part of oneself or in some way connected with oneself -- mít

  • 3 (sometimes with back) to receive or get -- mít

  • 4 to produce -- mít

    • She has had a baby.

    • He does have some good ideas

  • 5 to cause to be done -- dát si; přimět

    • Have Turner come and see me.

    • I’m having a tooth (taken) out




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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