Význam have Česky

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have Definice a význam

  • 0 used with past participle of other verbs to show that an action is in the indefinite past and has been completed -- (pomocné sloveso v předpřítomném čase)

  • 1 (also have got) to hold or possess (something which belongs to oneself or to someone else) -- mít

    • I have a book of yours at home

    • He’s got your book

    • I don’t have any books by Sir Walter Scott.

  • 2 (also have got) to possess something as part of oneself or in some way connected with oneself -- mít

  • 3 (sometimes with back) to receive or get -- mít

  • 4 to produce -- mít

    • He does have some good ideas

    • She has had a baby.


Denní věta

We can complete it step by step however long the road is and it can't be completed however short the road is if you don't even mark your footprint.

Můžeme to dokončit krok za krokem, ať je cesta jakkoli dlouhá, a nelze ji dokončit, ať je cesta jakkoli krátká, pokud si ani neoznačíte svou stopu.

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