light Význam & definice

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Význam light v češtině

  • 0 the brightness given by the sun, a flame, lamps etc that makes things able to be seen -- světlo

    • It was nearly dawn and the light was getting stronger

    • Sunlight streamed into the room.

  • 1 something which gives light (eg a lamp) -- světlo

    • Suddenly all the lights went out.

  • 2 something which can be used to set fire to something else; a flame -- oheň

  • 3 a way of viewing or regarding -- světlo

    • He regarded her action in a favourable/favorable light.

  • 4 having light; not dark -- světlý

  • 5 (of a colour/color) pale; closer to white than black -- světlý

  • 6 to give light to -- osvětlit

    • The room was lit only by candles.

  • 7 to (make something) catch fire -- zapálit

  • 8 easy to lift or carry; of little weight -- lehký

  • 9 easy to bear, suffer or do -- lehký

  • 10 (of food) easy to digest -- lehký

  • 11 of less weight than it should be -- lehčí

  • 12 of little weight -- lehký

    • Aluminium/Aluminum is a light metal.

  • 13 lively or agile -- lehký

    • She was very light on her feet.

  • 14 cheerful; not serious -- lehký

  • 15 little in quantity; not intense, heavy, strong etc -- drobný

  • 16 (of soil) containing a lot of sand. -- lehký

Více definic light

Příklady light

  • Besides nutrients and light, rice and weeds also competed for water.

  • Preconditioning with bright light evokes a protective response against light damage in the rat retina.

  • However, this does not warrant totally abandoning the notion of separate senses, particularly in light of evidence of limits in cross-modal representations.

  • Interestingly, although the amplitude of the light response can be completely recovered, the characteristic feedback-induced rollback does not reappear.

  • The size of the horizontal cell receptive fields adapts to the stimulus in the light adapted goldfish retina.

  • We tested this idea by stimulating surrounds with large spots of light in the flat-mount preparation of the mouse retina.

  • A 3-min period of dark adaptation was followed by a 1-min period of light adaptation to the two surrounds.

  • On a technical note, the maps are so blurred as to be sometimes unreadable and the print quality is light and indistinct on some pages.

Další příklady light

Překlady light v jiných jazycích

  • 中文繁体

    光亮, 光,光亮,光線, 發光體…

  • 中文简体

    光亮, 光,光亮,光线, 发光体…

  • Español

    luz, claro, ligero…

  • Português

    luz, iluminação, claro…

  • 日本語

    明かり, 光, (色が)淡い…

  • Türk dili

    ışık, lamba, hafif…

  • Français

    lumière [feminine], feu [masculine], clair/claire…

  • Catalan

    llum, clar, lleuger…

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