thou Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 an old word for ’you’ used only when addressing one person, especially God (usually Thou), as the subject of a verb -- mày, mi, ngươi


Ví dụ về thou

  • Moreover, within the language of exhortation, he is especially interested in what follows once ' ' thou shalt not ' ' is understood as the dialectical accompaniment to ' ' thou shalt.

  • Blessed also are we in having thee as our succour: for day and night thou didst intercede for us, and the sceptres of kings are strengthened by thy supplications.

  • The use of thou between people who would normally use you to each other would have signalled a range of effects, such as anger and contempt.

  • His vocatives indicate this: the detachment of "sir" (2, 9), the conventional neutrality of "thou" (5), the intimacy of "my friend" (5).

  • The pattern of using thee's and thou's continues unabated, and in this context is not so much evocative of antiquity, as simply irritating.

  • What dost thou with thy best apparel on ?

  • The explanation tacitly accepted is the inability to keep the collective commandments (' ' thou shalt not ' ').

  • Being a chartered engineer does not necessarily mean being a professional engineer even thou most societies in the world relates "chartered" with professional.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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