tenant Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 a person who pays rent to another for the use of a house, building, land etc -- người thuê, người mướn

    • (also adjective) tenant farmers.

    • That man is a tenant of the estate


Ví dụ về tenant

  • Not entirely unexpectedly, the articulation by some of self-concept\image entailed express or implied criticisms of tenants.

  • They provide a different perspective than the many newspaper reports of the time describing lavish dinners for tenants on rent day.

  • For the larger tenant, continued occupancy was secure under the lease system and, as such, they had less cause to mobilise concepts of hereditary right.

  • In 1747, the system of land tenure by which a tenant could be summoned for military service, known as hereditary ward-holding, was abolished.

  • The age and gender profiles of tenants in the different areas were similar.

  • The latter drew an income derived mainly from money-rents from tenants, which were untouched by the abolition of ' feudalism ' in 1798.

  • Again, we have a straight conflict between lords and tenants over the customary rights of each.

  • It provides means-tested rent assistance for low-income tenants in private and social rented housing.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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