suet Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 the hard fat from around the kidneys of an ox or sheep -- lớp mỡ cứng ở xung quanh lợn, bò, cừu…


Ví dụ về suet

  • The quantity of suet in a carcase or a joint varies for a number of reasons and a separate figure of the annual total is not available.

  • During the same period about 64,400 children were given free milk, but no statistics as to the number of suet children receiving milk only are available.

  • It was a case concerning shoplifters— professional shoplifters, not a housewife who steals a pound of suet, but stealing to get valuable property and sell it.

  • We see that to these vegetable oils in margarine there must be added some animal fats—suet or butter—so that margarine may be safe for consumption by growing children.

  • We do not want the shadow to be candyfloss, but there is a danger that the substance may be more like yesterday's cold suet pudding than anything else.

  • It was also stated that, though the child appeared to be well nourished, his diet was injudicious and had included a meal of corned beef and suet pudding.

  • I should have thought that if one is to have suet the most indigestible place would be to have it on the top.

  • She buys no butter or cooking fat, but gets a lump of suet from the butcher.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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