singular Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 (also adjective) (in) the form of a word which expresses only one -- dạng số ít

    • The noun ‘foot’ is singular.

    • a singular noun/verb

    • ‘Foot’ is the singular of ‘feet’

  • 1 the state of being singular -- từ ở dạng số ít


Ví dụ về singular

  • Thinking of a divergence-free flow as a (singular) one-dimensional foliation with a holonomy-invariant transverse measure, we recover the construction of [1, 14].

  • Essentially, they are branched covering maps which are locally expanding at all regular points and locally expanding within wedges at singular points.

  • We show that for a large class of infinitely renormalizable maps, the maximal automorphic factor is an odometer with an ergodic non-singular measure.

  • They are also involved in singular experiences such as posttraumatic stress disorder.

  • Psychopathology in these women is complex, and depression tends not to be a singular problem.

  • Such a functional relationship, if not linear, is singular at the origin in strain-rate space.

  • Collections are 'typically inanimate', they occur 'readily in the plural, but when singular cannot contract plural concord with the verb'.

  • We consider a competition-diffusion system and study its singular limit as the interspecific competition rate tend to infinity.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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