short-list Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 a list of candidates selected from the total number of applicants for a job etc -- danh sách sơ tuyển

    • Did she make the shortlist for the PA job?

  • 1 to put on a short-list -- đưa vào danh sách sơ tuyển

    • We’ve short-listed three of the twenty applicants.


Ví dụ về short-list

  • A short list of practices that fulfilled the criteria was drawn up by the steering group, and six of these practices were approached, four of which agreed to participate.

  • This practice consisted of the presentation of a short list of auditorily presented words for the free recall task and a one-minute performance for the tracking task.

  • Many international commissions are awarded from a hand-picked short list of contenders, of which a perfunctory representative from the region is generally included among the out-of-towners.

  • I plodded through them, page by page, name after name, all six volumes, making a short list of those who matched at least two of my criteria.

  • This is then interchangeable with a complete short list, again suitable for both diagnostic and therapeutic needs, which contains no more than five to six hundred items.

  • We only give a short list of possibilities.

  • One goal would be to make a relatively short list that could be used to examine quality of health care.

  • Figure 5 shows a fragment of code that reverses a short list; this fragment serves as a running example in the remainder of this section.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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