fussy Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 too concerned with details; too particular; difficult to satisfy -- hay om sòm, hay nhắng nhít

    • She is very fussy about her food.

  • 1 (of clothes etc) with too much decoration -- cầu kỳ

    • a very fussy hat.


Ví dụ về fussy

  • The tourists, i.e. the consumers of tourist products, book their holidays increasingly late and are becoming increasingly fussy.

  • The latent variables for prediction of infant attachment security with father included fathers' alcohol problems, fathers' depression, fathers' antisocial behavior, family conflict, and infant fussy/difficult temperament.

  • The sympathetically reactive, perhaps irritable or fussy neonate may either gather more attentive caregiving on one hand or may receive less affiliative caregiving on the other.

  • His later texts have a strong streak of parody and even black humour, which sits oddly with his experimental verse forms and his fussy attention to stage action.

  • Further, although maternal reports of infant temperament were associated with lower infant positive affect during interactions with father, few relationships emerged between difficult or fussy temperament and parent-infant interactions.

  • If something as trivial as a sailing trip can generate obligations, why do we have to be so fussy about the goal of the joint activity of law?

  • Virtually every element of his appearance is ridiculous: filthy, garish, fussy, and obviously cheap.

  • The present results suggest that alcoholic fathers tend to report their infants as being more fussy or difficult compared to those in the control group.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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