forehead Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; brow -- trán

    • Her hair covers her forehead.


Ví dụ về forehead

  • Subjects do sometimes identify the character on the forehead "correctly" - that is, as it was traced by the experimenter.

  • She gazed up at him seriously, then leaned her puckered forehead on her hand and began to read.

  • His domed forehead suggested a mighty brain, but his small fingers were neat and dextrous.

  • A cotton bag containing six ounces of dynamite is tied to the mule's forehead.

  • Males with large forehead patches tend to invest in offspring less than other males, except late in the breeding season.

  • It is the forehead pigmentation which is viewed by or on behalf of a potential spouse and which is thus functional in mate selection.

  • During stimulation the subject rested the chin on a chin rest with the forehead against a head band.

  • The patient's head was stabilized by means of forehead and chin rests.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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