castanets Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 two hollow pieces of ivory or hard wood struck together as a rhythm for (especially Spanish) dances -- catanhet

    • a pair of castanets.


Ví dụ về castanets

  • The song makes use of keyboards, castanets, and an instrumental section.

  • The movement ends with the final statement of the first theme accompanied by a remarkable ticking passage for castanets, wood block, and snare drum.

  • For a machine castanet, a less satisfactory roll is obtained by rapid alternation of the two castanets with the fingers.

  • It is possible to produce a roll on a pair of castanets in any of the three ways in which they are held.

  • The castanets must be of the type without handles, e.g. those only connected together via a string.

  • Jota instruments include the castanets, guitar, bandurria, tambourines and sometimes the flute.

  • In practice a player usually uses two pairs of castanets.

  • A pair of wooden castanets with bells attached to them was the earliest form of the khartal.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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