alias Định nghĩa bằng tiếng Việt

  • 0 a false name -- bí danh

    • Criminals often use different aliases to avoid being caught by the police.

  • 1 otherwise known as -- biệt hiệu

    • John Smith, alias Peter Jones.


Ví dụ về alias

  • Alias's initial short term memory loss is actually due to the gap between the end of her artificial memories and her premature awakening.

  • The program lets z alias either x or y depending on the value of secret.

  • Consequently, if the defining contrast is the interaction between seven factors, each main effect has as its alias the six-factor interaction of the other treatments.

  • In an imperative setting, this principle yields a must-alias analysis.

  • Imported modules may be assigned a local alias in the importing module using the as clause.

  • We know that when such people are in custody, it can take a long time to establish their identity because they often have multiple identities and aliases.

  • We actually knew the name and aliases of every bandit in the jungle.

  • He referred to the use of the words and description of people "known as" as used to apply to aliases and so on.




May 10, 2021

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May 10, 2021

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