
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến testimonial. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của testimonial.

Ví dụ về testimonial

  • Several favorable testimonials were written by self-identified healthcare providers, attorneys, and educators.

  • Numerous testimonials describe the difficult transportation conditions of the antebellum era and project proposals were often long-standing.

  • The weight of testimonials indicate that gender observations outweighed political and economic concerns.

  • I don't really take an awful lot of notice of written testimonials.

  • Uncritical testimonials to the postmodern's attractions are ten a penny, and conservative denunciations thereof not much scarcer.

  • Presumably the testimonials were effective because advertising continued after demands for proof of its efficacy ceased.

  • There is no doubt a cathartic aspect to the delivery of public testimonials, but there is also social significance.

  • Candidates had no need to supply further testimonials or submit to any additional formalities.

  • Selection is a function of testimonials, anecdotal experiences, guesswork, habit, and tradition.

  • Undertakers rarely advertised, for theirs was- and remains- a trade where discretion took precedence over high-profile marketing and one would not see an undertaker publishing testimonials from satisfied customers.

  • His colleagues knew him to be corrupt, and yet, like so many other government servants, he was possessed of a sheaf of glowing testimonials from his former employers.

  • Twenty-six years after graduating he sent a donation for the testimonial of one of his former professors.

  • Real life goes far beyond personal impressions or testimonial experiences.

  • After suffering an 'attack of paralysis' in 1820, he was presented with a public testimonial for his 'patriotic services' (p. xlv).

  • Evidence may be categorized as physical, documentary, testimonial, and analytical.

Ý nghĩa của testimonial

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