
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến suddenly. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của suddenly.

Ví dụ về suddenly

  • Suddenly, organic farming was seen by both growers and retailers as a lucrative market, with consumers willing to pay a premium.

  • I'd walk past a corner and everything was suddenly different.

  • Then everything suddenly got much more complicated, as researchers started coming up with new theoretical and methodological bases for language teaching.

  • Not only were amazing new visual devices and technical wonders being offered: invisible worlds were suddenly made visible as if by magic.

  • Saccades are reflexively triggered by a suddenly appearing visual target and are also under volitional control.

  • He died rather suddenly and was buried in the shrine complex.

  • It seems unlikely that serious problems in parental functioning during childhood would suddenly be resolved as the child enters adolescence.

  • The first committees to be elected had only six months to learn about governance before the safe zone suddenly disintegrated.

  • This accessory atrioventricular connection extending across the atrioventricular node was found in an infant dying suddenly and unexpectedly.

  • The bar suddenly yields at the points where the weights rest while only its extremities remain immobile.

  • These transpositions are efficient but not always elegant: the ear receives a jolt when what was previously a rising second suddenly becomes a descending seventh.

  • This upswing in contraceptive usage was not merely the result of previously unsatisfied demand being suddenly met by the establishment of family planning clinics.

  • One of our two patients who died suddenly underwent 48 hours of ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring.

  • This was important for those women whose husbands did not die suddenly and where they did not die at home.

  • The hunters had suddenly become the hunted and soon the vanquished.

Ý nghĩa của suddenly

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