
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến shredder. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của shredder.

Ví dụ về shredder

  • Green leaves enhance the growth and development of a stream macroinvertebrate shredder when senescent leaves are available.

  • Thus, different successional stages were more important than the identity of leaf species in determining the distribution of shredders among the leaves.

  • Leaves associated with shredders were placed individually in labelled paper bags, while the remaining leaves in the sample were placed in a separate bag.

  • The 12 discs were arranged randomly in each container and a single shredder was introduced.

  • Therefore, specific leaves may not be the primary level of patch structure capable of being detected by shredders.

  • On the contrary, shredders actually colonized a broad range of leaf species (38 species) from several different plant families, with no apparent underlying patterns.

  • Treatments were replicated 4-5 times for each of the three shredder species.

  • Containers with leaf discs but no shredders served as controls and provided estimates of weight loss resulting from leaching and microbial processing.

  • Shredders were distributed across a broad range of leaf species in the stream, with no leaf species being preferentially colonized by shredders.

  • Removal of fungal and organic matter from decaying cordgrass leaves by shredder snails.

  • After 2 d, a single shredder was introduced into each container.

  • Only shredders that were firmly attached to leaves were included; typically, these leaves showed signs of shredding at the point of the animal's attachment.

  • Both species constructed their cases from leaf species that were not preferred for feeding, possibly as a behavioural adaptation to prevent attacks from other shredders.

  • When offered a choice between different combinations of leaf species and conditioning stage, all shredders actively sought leaves at advanced stages of conditioning, largely avoiding less conditioned or unconditioned leaves.

  • Leaf preferences were similar for all shredder species, suggesting that preferences for different leaf species do not provide a mechanism for resource partitioning among the shredders.

Ý nghĩa của shredder

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