
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến quartz. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của quartz.

Ví dụ về quartz

  • A pure quartz reagent blank and several certified geological reference standards, as well as internal laboratory standards, were analysed with these samples.

  • It is typically defined by the shapepreferred orientation of mica and elongated quartz grains.

  • The vesicles are filled with calcite, chlorite, quartz and carbon.

  • Furthermore, both the tube and the coil are surrounded by the tube cooling, which protects the quartz tube from overheating.

  • The c. 25 m of purple, fine-grained sandstones below include quartz-arenitic intercalations and have an essentially calcareous matrix.

  • Other alteration products are chlorite, sericite, quartz and opaque minerals.

  • The newly crystallized quartz grains are characterized by elongate crystals oriented oblique to the shear band margins, defining a typical grain-shape foliation.

  • The presence of quartz-filled microcracks in feldspar crystals suggests that deformation continued during cooling and crystallization.

  • The features result from initial growth of the quartz grain, partial resorption (dissolution) during a period of disequilibrium, then further growth to form the mantle.

  • The quartz ribbons display strong undulose extinction and locally well-developed core-and-mantle microstructures.

  • The quartz aggregates show a crystallographic preferred orientation.

  • Quartz-feldspar ribbons and aggregates define a mineral stretching lineation.

  • These are infilled by aggregates of fibrous quartz and actinolite that are aligned parallel to the macroscopic mineral lineation.

  • It is well cemented by microcrystalline quartz, and was the hardest of all samples to hammer in the field.

Ý nghĩa của quartz

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May 10, 2021

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