
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến pitifully. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của pitifully.

Ví dụ về pitifully

  • At that point, in late 1942, there were pitifully few psychiatrists on active duty, and they were already swamped with patients.

  • The child worker stood pitifully at the centre of classical accounts of the first industrial revolution.

  • In view of the existing and probable future needs this part has been pitifully small.

  • Virtually nothing had been done to assure communications while transport facilities were pitifully inadequate, with hospital bases primitive and remote from the front.

  • Those trying to describe the effects of art or music in words would grasp at metaphors which struck the modern man as being pitifully unscientific and reeking of subjectivity.

  • Nothing was done that could possibly injure this vicar in his worldly affairs, in his office, or his pitifully small stipend.

  • In those circumstances, are not 10 rubber boats and three helicopters pitifully inadequate in comparison with the actual need?

  • If one takes such an industry as coal, has re-organisation, has the vast expenditure on mechanisation as yet produced anything but pitifully inadequate results?

  • In most cases, the fines currently handed down by the courts are pitifully low, which prevents the operation of an effective system of deterrence.

  • Lack of cash affects the prize money, which is often pitifully small.

  • They are a pitifully miscellaneous set of provisions in many respects.

  • After the autumn statement, growth will still be pitifully low during the coming year.

  • To do so would be pitifully short-sighted and ethically reprehensible.

  • We have lived to bury many tyrants, great and small; and the small usually end more pitifully and more rapidly than the great.

  • One of the most frequent criticisms of our legal system is that people are being fined pitifully small amounts.

Ý nghĩa của pitifully

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