
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến merrymaking. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của merrymaking.

Ví dụ về merrymaking

  • All we know of the feast as it has been celebrated from early times shows the predominance of secular merrymaking, often of the noisiest kind.

  • It was founded in 1835 and dedicated to music and merrymaking.

  • These celebrations are accompanied by singing, dancing, feast and merrymaking.

  • The house occupants would then invite the serenaders into the house and in the ensuing merrymaking some courtship could take place among the young.

  • This kind of betting usually occurs for merrymaking and socializing within the communities or among the friends.

  • As the merrymaking reaches its peak, a cry is heard from the puppet-theater.

  • The days are spent mainly in eating, drinking, singing and dancing and merrymaking.

  • By nightfall, the real fun begins with music, song and dance, merrymaking and general gaiety in anticipation of the water festival.

  • This is a group event where a certain type of tender onions (calots) are barbecued outdoors, among much feasting and merrymaking with family and friends.

  • The merrymaking intensifies when the alakayo, a dancing clown, chases the ladies, stopping only when coins are thrown to him on the ground.

  • However, the importance of merrymaking at weddings was not diminished, and musicians came forth to fill that niche, klezmorim.

  • This celebration is a combination of merrymaking, thanksgiving, and prayers for a good harvest, good health and good luck.

  • Together they would drink toddythe only liquor known to themand their merrymaking often went on for a whole day.

  • It is also associated with the urge for freedom and exploration, humanitarian and protecting roles, and with gambling and merrymaking.

  • The story follows a prince who terrorizes a plague-ridden peasantry while merrymaking in a lonely castle with his jaded courtiers.

Ý nghĩa của merrymaking

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