
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến injection. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của injection.

Ví dụ về injection

  • Time-dependent characterization of the output radiation in a far-field zone was obtained for both free-running and injection-controlled operation with an unstable resonator 1 cavity.

  • Injection volumes were estimated by measurement of the displacement of cytoplasm after an injection at a controlled pressure.

  • As a check for potential peripheral effects of curare, the experimental duration of temporal resolution experiments before and after injection were compared.

  • Deficits restricted to the peripheral visual field were observed only with smaller, more focal injections.

  • The injection site in the peripheral retina can be seen at the lower left corner.

  • Oral delivery represents another attractive alternative to parenteral injection for large-scale human vaccination.

  • The calcium injection diminished the nonsaturating receptor potentials by about 70%, and in the ten cells tested, response amplitude was reduced 50 -80%.

  • The schedule of injections was chosen in order to have all three categories of superovulated oocytes ready for experimentation on the same day.

  • Neuronal responses to the acoustic stimuli were recorded together with the responses to current injection.

  • Figure 13 shows the mean velocity profiles for x-locations between 25 and 200 mm downstream of the injectors during polymer injection.

  • Also, pure atomic-beam injection can be realized using this method.

  • Postoperative injection at the site of the anastomosis between the homograft and the pulmonary arteries shows dilatation of the homograft with pulmonary regurgitation.

  • Its cost, attributed to hospital budget is substantial, approximately 2,439.18 euros per injection.

  • Following the injection of such pulses into strongly scattering media, such as tissue, the time dispersion of the photons can be studied.

  • A new model of transient complete obstruction of retinal vessels induced by endothelin-1 injection into the posterior vitreous body in rabbits.

Ý nghĩa của injection

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