
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến importation. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của importation.

Ví dụ về importation

  • Such a view leads to the criticism that the distribution structure acts as a non-tariff barrier against the importation of foreign products.

  • These are costly inputs, to which importation tariffs and other duties must be added.

  • This reduced the already limited capabilities of local law enforcement institutions, facilitating the importation of drugs.

  • This transformation involved the incremental importation of rational or mechanistic forms of understanding, entailing various kinds of scientific explanation.

  • At this point the experimental evidence for the importance of solvent extrusion or importation is indirect.

  • Another possibility is the importation of quarried soils.

  • Importation refers to the adoption of a foreign form and/or its meaning, and may involve complete or only partial importation.

  • Could the small number of access routes have increased the efficiency of collecting the state's notorious importation tariffs?

  • Some adopt loan forms on a large scale while others consider using ' foreign ' importations as tokens of unacceptable language-mixing.

  • But before discussing the importation results, we think it is crucial to distinguish between intentional and naive phonetic approximation.

  • The solitary female taken in 1933 was in a catching-station remote from any possible river steamer importation.

  • This section addresses the issues of bureaucratic administration, sequential innovation, neglected diseases, excessive marketing, and parallel importation.

  • Herds were divided into four groups based on cattle importation practices.

  • Each chapter presents a comprehensive account of the pest status, background, importations, evaluations and conclusions.

  • In section 3, we present our results concerning importations.

Ý nghĩa của importation

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