
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến earmark. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của earmark.

Ví dụ về earmark

  • There are no funds specifically earmarked for the biodiversity protection.

  • With a well-developed state apparatus, strong enforcement with taxation of the rents earmarked for redistribution would certainly be superior.

  • Currencies, for instance, can be turned into gifts, following certain rules, and used to earmark the creation, celebration, and sustaining of intimate ties.

  • Their motivation certainly changed again from the mid 1990s when the economic situation had improved and earmarked benefits were temporarily re-introduced.

  • Depending on their level earmarked grants for childcare may increase the willingness of municipalities to refrain from an obstruction of universal childcare provision.

  • Here, they would like to consume their entire gross consumption allocation, even that portion of it which is earmarked for loan repayment.

  • However, she also notes that selectivity is likely to mean that ' benefits earmarked for the poor are likely to be poor benefits '.

  • The cash may be earmarked for feast money for weddings and deaths, or used for personal purposes.

  • Some of the large sums earmarked for this task existed only on paper.

  • The revenue from the levy is earmarked for environmental protection.

  • Opposition groups charged that these farms were earmarked for government cronies instead of people who really needed land.

  • Of that initial $99 million, $38 million was earmarked for dissemination of clinical practice guidelines and medical effectiveness research.

  • Substantial financial resources have been ' earmarked ' to support new local health and social service collaborations.

  • This cost will become the focus of attention if eco-forestry and directly subsidized forestry projects make significant inroads into areas earmarked for industrial logging concessions.

  • From an efficiency perspective, earmarking has one important drawback.

Ý nghĩa của earmark

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