
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến denunciation. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của denunciation.

Ví dụ về denunciation

  • Where land seizures accompanied forced proletarianization, denunciations of the culprits by fellahin were more intense-even though such unjust practices may not have been of direct interest to the powers-that-be.

  • The government responded defensively but ruthlessly, human-rights organizations repor ted,50 with ar rests and detention, extra-judicial executions and tor ture, and official denunciations following one another in rapid succession.

  • Such denunciations are becoming increasingly common.

  • Arguably, this ' male' bias and gender discrimination on the part of police officers who have to deal with denunciations of domestic violence could be solved with an all-female staff.

  • I think if he proceeded to the logical and inevitable conclusion of his own denunciations, he would be with us on these benches.

  • Denunciations of human rights violations are not merely sound bites in daily politics.

  • The air seemed thick with violent denunciations and accusations.

  • They have resisted the more extreme denunciations regarding the regime and its behaviour.

  • His denunciations, however, do not appear to affect his admiration of our ability.

  • They were loud in their denunciations of the publican.

  • We can opt for healthy scepticism, which is sensible, or furious denunciations in principle of every regulation, which is not wise.

  • In each prospective member country equally savage denunciations were being uttered.

  • We should have heard denunciations of ourselves as indifferent to children's welfare, callous and philistine, and so on.

  • They are denounced by people who ought not to denounce them, and you have varying kinds of denunciations which are of a very curious character.

  • His denunciations carried conviction because they were true.

Ý nghĩa của denunciation

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