
Đây là examples của từ liên quan đến bluish. Nhấp vào bất kỳ từ nào để đến trang chi tiết của từ đó. Hoặc, đi tới định nghĩa của bluish.

Ví dụ về bluish

  • Most of the hairs arise from little creamy white dots, some of which are enclosed in small round black or bluish grey spots.

  • Some are reddish brown, some whitish brown, some bluish brown.

  • Ventral surface of thorax and abdomen brown, more or less extensively suffused and marbled with bluish or greenish grey.

  • The limestone beds are light bluish grey, nodular to continuous and generally some 3-5 centimetres in thickness.

  • From bluish gray to opaque gray and relatively translucent black; dark gray or light gray banding is present.

  • In contrast, every shade of purple is both reddish and bluish, and likewise for the other three binary hues (orange, olive, and turquoise).

  • Mesonotum : integument black, shining bluish, with black narrow scales.

  • We might also expect to hear it issuing from the bluish lips of an inebriated, chain-smoking existentialist.

  • Observers set the test field to appear neither reddish nor greenish or, in separate sessions, to appear neither yellowish nor bluish.

  • In contrast, a tendency to inhibitory response was observed at greenish-gray-violet and bluish-gray- purple constellations.

  • Second, those at the far left-hand end (say) are bluish-green and those at the far right-hand end are yellowish-green.

  • The corresponding spot showed bluish fluorescence in u.v. light.

  • Bluish or greenish, labradorizing cores of the crystals are found at some localities.

  • The amphibole is pleochroic from dark bluish green to pale green.

  • The schists are dark bluish grey, fine-grained with a high quartz content (> 60 vol. %) and possess a continuous schistosity.

Ý nghĩa của bluish

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