
  • 0 waste material or things that are no longer wanted or needed -- 垃圾;廢棄物

    • His ideas are a load of (old) rubbish. 他的想法真是一堆垃圾。

    • The film was rubbish. 這部電影純屬垃圾。

    • Take the old furniture to the rubbish dump. 把這件舊傢俱扔到垃圾場去。

    • Put the empty box in the rubbish bin. 把空盒子放在垃圾桶裡。

    • I forgot to put the rubbish out this morning. 我今天早晨忘了把垃圾拿出去讓人收走。

  • 1 to criticize something -- 批評;狠批;貶低

    • Why does everyone rubbish my ideas? 為甚麼大家都把我的想法批得一文不值?

  • 2 completely without skill at a particular activity -- 一竅不通的;蹩腳的

    • You're a rubbish dancer. 你舞跳得糟透了。

    • I'm rubbish at arithmetic. 我對算術一竅不通。



  • Consequently, in the absence of sufficient amounts of rubbish, the destructor was shut down for brief periods; on resumption, combustion was imperfect until temperatures rose.

  • Overture, fashionable rubbish with the last bit coining first.

  • Experts argued that reuse and utilization of rubbish were ineffective and unhygienic methods of waste disposal.

  • There was no system for removal of rubbish such as disposable nappies left by the pickers.

  • Technocrats promoted the destructor as the most effective means of neutralizing the public health danger created by decaying rubbish.

  • Some visited second-hand shops or searched rubbish skips and acquired rugs, chairs, pictures, crockery and ornaments.

  • Crowded housing, the sewage system, and such dubious practices as spitting and throwing rubbish out of high-rise apartment buildings came under the spotlight.

  • One was cleared of dung, another of rubbish, another was accessed via a new staircase, another was hired for storing wine.








